The Compassvale Experience
The Compassvale Experience
We offer a rich and personalised curricular and co-curricular experience for all our students, across the six Integrated Competency and Development Clusters.
Across these six Integrated Competency and Development Clusters,
We want our students to Learn and Excel. We achieve this through engaging, authentic learning experiences designed by our teachers. We leverage technology, and ground learning experience design on subject disciplinarity and real-world applications. Students explore connections between different disciplines, examine local and global issue to appreciate diversity, and develop 21st century competencies. In doing so, we cultivate in them learning dispositions of curiosity, self-directedness and resilience. This will ensure they become lifelong learners who are globally competent.
We want our students to Grow and Serve the community as upright, compassionate leaders who make a positive difference. We develop a strong moral compass in our students through a values-based curriculum. This develops their empathy, and agency to serve and lead within and beyond the school community. We are also intentional in our efforts to promote student well-being through experiential and reflective school practices.
Our teachers Lead and Impact both their students and the fraternity. We empower our teachers through lifelong learning programmes, collaborative and stakeholder partnerships, so that they remain competent, future-oriented, and reflective amidst changes to the local and global landscapes. Our teachers actively contribute best practices to the fraternity, a testament of the quality of teaching and learning, and student development practices in the school.