Student Leadership
Student Leadership Development in CVSS is student-centric and values driven where teachers and students both contribute to a culture of leadership development. Teachers mentor and guide students, and student leaders mentor and guide their peers and juniors. Our students discover and develop their leadership potential as they serve, lead and inspire through their time in CVSS.
Student Leadership development in CVSS is guided by our Student Leadership Framework, MOE’s 21st Century Competencies Framework, and The Leadership Challenge by Kouzes and Posner. Students learn different skills and hone themselves as Self-Leaders to manage different aspects of student life such as academic studies, CCA and their overall well-being. Students can take on different leadership opportunities and roles such as Class Leaders, CCA Leaders, Peer Support Leaders and Student Councillors as they progress on their personal leadership journey during their time in CVSS.
CVSS Student Leadership Development Framework
MOE’s Framework for 21st Century Competencies and Student Outcomes
The Leadership Challenge :The Five Practices of Exemplary Leadership