The CVSS Alumni plays an important role as they serve as champions of the North Star Spirit and role models for our current North Stars to emulate. They also advocate giving back to CVSS and the community at large. To date, all CVSS students are members of the CVSS Alumni upon graduation.
Designed by Ms Quek Li Wen (Class of 2004)
Objectives of CVSS Alumni
The CVSS Alumni aims to provide alumni:
a platform to stay connected with the school and with fellow alumni;
with up-to-date news on the happenings in the school; and
with opportunities to continue serving the school through CCAs or other school programmes or events.
Stay Connected with CVSS:
Connect to our Compassvale Secondary Instagram and Facebook to keep yourself up-to-date with the latest news and happenings in your alma mater!
Instagram Handler: @compassvalesecsch
Contribute back to CVSS:
CVSS welcomes our graduates, to share your passion for living and learning with your juniors through the various CCAs, school talks and events. We value your contributions as we firmly believe that you can make a positive and impactful difference to your alma mater.
If you are interested to be a CCA volunteer, simply approach the teachers in-charge of the respective CCAs for more details.
If you are interested to volunteer in upcoming school events, do approach your class/year alumni rep or write in to