Principal's Message 2025

2025 is a special year!^ It is CVSS’ 25th anniversary!
As a school community, we celebrate 25 years of outstanding achievements through realising the potential of all the students who pass through our school. We continue to build on the strengths developed and sharpened over the past two years, to design excellent learning experiences and growth opportunities for all our students. All learning in the school is organised into Six Integrated Competencies and Development Clusters to ensure a close interweaving of the disciplines; students also gain knowledge, competencies and skillsets for world-ready relevance through our Enhanced ALP ACES (Aeronautics, Coding, Engineering), sustainability-focused LLP – Green Compass Programme, Digital Media Literacies, and Perspectives Overseas Learning Experiences. This total learning experience ensures all our students are agile and nimble, able to thrive in their respective futures.
As such, almost 9 in 10 of our latest batch of graduates qualified for JC/MI; virtually all qualified for Polytechnic pathways. PFP and DPP percentages were also high. Our staff also did the school proud, with members recognised as Outstanding Youth in Education (OYEA), Presidents’ Award Teacher (PAT) and Fulbright Distinguished Educator. These outcomes attest to the rigour and quality of education that CVSS offers.
As a school community, we have grown significantly this year, welcoming 11 Secondary 1 classes. This shows that CVSS continues to be a school of choice for the community – and we intend to honour our community’s belief in us. In preparation for this bumper cohort, several infrastructural updates were put in place last year. We have a new classroom block designed to enable contemporary pedagogical approaches; we also updated all the learning spaces in the school to accommodate more students; the library was also refreshed to 21st century standards. More teachers were also recruited to ensure teacher-to-student numbers remain sustainable. We also worked on enhancing practices and processes in the school for greater effectiveness, across both Teaching & Learning, and school administration – several practices were recognised as ‘best-practices’ with national level innovation awards. These were shared with the education fraternity to uplift everyone, a belief we hold strongly.
As we excitedly unfold 2025, many vibrant and uplifting experiences awaits us all – be it in curriculum or co-curriculum. Most recently, our signature Perspectivesprogramme adds another ASEAN country into its learning menu! We will continue to sharpen CVSS’ total learning experience, because this will ensure we continue to cultivate important dispositions of Confidence, Commitment, Creativity and Compassion.
In doing so, we will build a vibrant and uplifting community, where all will Learn, Grow and Lead, to realise their star within. To find out more and have a glimpse into the CVSS experience, visit our social media pages: Instagram (Compassvalesecsch) or FaceBook (cvssfacebook).
In partnership with you,
Chua Tung Kian
Compassvale Secondary School
^ Did you know that 2025 is a perfect square, 45 x 45? Which also means that it can be prime factorised into 3 x 3 x 3 x 3 x 5 x 5, because it is (5 x 9) x (5 x 9) or (5 x 3 x 3) x (5 x 3 x 3)! Join us to learn the different school subjects in ways that make learning relevant and future-oriented!